Mizo Department jointly organized Awareness campaign on ‘Women & Child Protection’ with Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College at Nausel village Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College 11th October, 2022



  1. Awareness raising is a key to spreading the clear message of zero tolerance of all forms of violence against women and child.
  2. The objective of awareness campaign on Women and Child protection aim to educate community members to prevent women and children from being abused and trafficked.
  3. It also aims to enable economic and social empowerment of women. Distribution of booklet regarding safety of women and children and refreshment was provided for the participants.

The context:

Mizo Department jointly organized Awareness campaign on ‘Women & Child Protection’ with  Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College at Nausel village on 11th October 2022. Two teachers with five Mizo Core students participated.


  1. Increased awareness among the public about the importance of women and child protection.
  2. Improved understanding of the laws and policies in place to protect women and children.
  3. Increased reporting of cases of abuse and violence against women and children.
  4. Enhanced support and resources for victims of abuse and violence.
  5. Strengthened community partnerships and collaboration to address issues related to women and child protection.
  6. Reduced stigma and discrimination against victims of abuse.
  7. Increased access to services and support for women and children in need.
  8. Empowered women and children to speak out and seek help when faced with abuse or violence.
  9. Improved response and intervention strategies for cases of abuse and violence.
  10. Overall improvement in the safety and well-being of women and children in the community.

 Mizo Department jointly organized Awareness campaign on ‘Women & Child Protection’ with Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College at Nausel village	Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College 	11th October, 2022 Mizo Department jointly organized Awareness campaign on ‘Women & Child Protection’ with Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College at Nausel village	Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College 	11th October, 2022 1 Mizo Department jointly organized Awareness campaign on ‘Women & Child Protection’ with Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College at Nausel village	Women Committee, English and History Departments, Govt. J. Thankima College 	11th October, 2022 2

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