The Spoken English Class of GJTC was started in 2016 under the RUSA scheme and the English Department was appointed as the Nodal Department to undertake the responsibilities. A great importance is given by RUSA to language promotion i.e. English and Hindi amongst the students of Higher Education Institutions. English is important as it is a global language and as we are a citizen of the worlds, and Hindi as a citizen of India.
A committee was formed and after thorough discussion, felt that introducing Spoken English would be more appropriate for the students of GJTC, keeping in view the then present infrastructure, manpower and a demand of the students and hence, adopted English as the language to be taught at the Spoken Language Class. So Spoken English classes commenced from 19th of September (Monday), 2016. Each batch consisted of two classes consisting of not more than 20 students in each class. So Classes were held twice a week.
Courses were designed by the English department teachers and the task of taking classes lay upon the English teachers and visiting professors were also invited. Classes were held every Monday and Wednesday from 02:45-03:45 PM and attendance register for students and teachers were properly maintained.
The Spoken Language Course is interactive, activity-based where learners are encouraged to get rid of their inhibitions, are made to speak more, and the course aims at developing the four skills of language i.e., listening, speaking, reading & writing. Fluency and accuracy are both given great importance.
Fully equipped language laboratory under RUSA scheme was installed by the 23rd of September, 2016, which was an innovation for the College and proved to be quite challenging but hugely helpful for both teachers and students. Teachers went many times for language lab training. But when the College moved to Brigade Campus in 2017, the language lab could not be moved as there was no room then so last year we were not able to utilize the lab as much as we would have liked to. But now that it has been moved, we could fully utilize it which would prove to be very beneficial in many aspects of language learning.