A Library Orientation Programme for 1st Sememster students was organized by Library Management Committee (LMC) on 4th August, 2023 at 1st Sem Section A, B, C and D classrooms. On this programme, Mr. Zohmangaiha, Librarian was the Resource Person.
In collaboration with Red Ribbon Club and NSS Unit Govt. J. Thankima College, III Semester students donated their blood for Civil Hospital , Aizawl, on 8th August, 2023. 28 Male and 11 female, Total : 39 Units of blood have been donated.
On 11th July, 2023, with the joint effort of Department of Education & Dept of Geography, an Awareness Programme on World Population Day:2023 was organized at Geography Core Room, Central Campus GJTC. The programme was presided by Mr. Gabriel Lalchhandama, Assistant professor, Dept of Geography. The two speakers – Mrs. Zodinsangi (Associate Professor) & Dr.