On 15th April, 2019, the performance report of NSS Units of Govt. J. Thankima College was received from Prof. P. Rinawma, Programme Coordinator, NSS Cell Mizoram University. As per the report, NSS Unit of GJTC has achieved performance record of ‘OUTSTANDING’. This commendable performance was the result of tireless effort undertaken by the Programme Officers
On 12th April, 2019 (Friday), One Day Volleyball Tournament was organised by GJTC Volleyball Club at Falkland Volleyball Court. In this tournament, 7 Men’s teams from the different semesters were participated. In Men’s Team, 6th Semester (Mizo Core) crowned victory after defeating Men’s team of 2nd Sem ‘B’. In women’s Team, 6th Sem Core crowned
One Day Personality Development Programme has been organised by the Dept. of Education, GJTC on 15th April, 2019 at Holiday Palace, Sihhmui for the graduating students of 6th Sem Education Core students. The programme was designed to help the students to adopt positive thinking, knowledge and attitude. Mrs. Lalhmangaihzuali was the main speaker and delivered