The success of students is the core value of our college and we belief that students success is the outcome of joint responsibility of students and teachers. In order to make a strong cohesion between the students and teachers, we have created a system known as Mentoring Programme under the supervision of Mentoring Programme Committee (MPC). The IQAC of our college has entrusted the MPC to device programmes for the implementation of Mentoring Process. So, the mentoring time was integrated to the normal class routine and it was specified after the normal class is over.

Mentoring programme is conducted to help the students to strengthen their varied capabilities and to build an interpersonal relationship between the teachers and students. All the three methods of mentoring, viz, One-on-one Mentoring, Distance Mentoring, Group Mentoring, were adopted at all levels of semesters. Mentoring of all sorts can greatly enhance students’ experience and can assist them for actively participating in different activities within and outside the classroom and it can also helped them for challenging and overcome the various problems faced by them.

The process of mentoring can take many forms which includes academic enhancement, career exploration and life skill development. Through pairing between the students and teachers, the students were giving opportunity to talk about his or her academic needs, discussing hidden problems faced by the students and students thereby may subsided their problems.

The Staff General Body Meeting, Govt. J. Thankima College held on 14th February, 2020 has restructured the composition of Mentor-Mentee or the process of mentoring to various classes or semesters.

Mentoring Feedback (Alumni Students)