Alumni Association Govt. J. Thankima College Office Bearers President : C. Lalrindika Vice-President : John A. Lalnghakzuala Secretary : K.L. Nunchama Asst. Secy. : Lalzuitluanga Hnamte Treasurer : C. Lalnunfeli Fin. Secy. : Nangsawmthanga Advisors: Lalbiaknii Hmar, (Associate Professor – Dept. of Pol. Sc.) Lalhmunsiami Khiangte, (Associate Professor -Dept.
Observation of Green Mizoram Day Observation of Green Mizoram Day on 17th July 2020 by cleaning weeds, fencing and planting 20 trees at Thiak, the plantation site.Clearing the site and pit digging were done before planting and all the planted trees saplings were fenced with a bamboo basket. Each year, a particular day during
Friday, the 17th July 2020 : With the initiative of Career and Counselling Cell, teachers discharge their duties at the College Admission Held Desk to help the students, who were being applied the admission to the college.
Report of event: A ‘One Day Workshop on Research Methodology’ organized by the Research and Consultancy Committee (RCC) of Govt. J. Thankima College was held on the 17th July, 2020 at the College Conference Hall, Central Campus. The Mentor of the Institution Prof. Lalhmasai Chuaungo, Director HRDC, Mizoram University was Resource Person of the workshop.
For maintaining Institutional Social Responsibility and fight against Covid-19, National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit and Red Ribbon Club of Govt. J. Thankima has distributed Face Masks and Essential Commodities (Potatoes etc) at free of cost to the communities of Nausel Village (College Adopted Village) on 16th July, 2020.
Govt. J. Thankima College Internal Quality Assurance Cell Review Meeting was held on 13th July, 2020 at the Principal’s Office. The meeting was presided by Prof. JV. Nunchunga, Principal. The meeting thoroughly discussed various agendas viz, 1) Review of Actions Plans performed by various functional committees under IQAC and RUSA during the academic session 2019-20
Plantation of Plants and Bougainvillea by Beautification Committee on 6th July, 2020.