1.To Build capacity of equality bodies’ staff members in understanding, promoting and ensuring gender equality in the educational setting.
- Exchange good practices on proactively promoting gender equality in education and getting gender equality concerns in educational curricula.
Topic: International Webinar on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2022
Organized by Department of English and Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
On 8th March, 2022 @ 9:30 Am, the Department of English and Internal Complaints’ Committee (ICC) of Govt. J. Thankima College jointly organised an International Webinar on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The theme was “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow” and the campaign theme was “break the bias”. Dr. Easterine Kire gave a special lecture on “Deciding our own Narratives”.
No of Participants: 73
Resource Person: Dr. Easterine Kire is the resource person for the Programme. Born in Nagaland, Kire writes poetry, novels, short stories and children’s books. Her works are translated to German, Norwegian, Marathi and Bengali. Dr. Kire moved to Tromso, in northern Norway in 2005. She is a prolific writer who has written on the mystical, the mythical as well as the lived realities of her people. Two of her novels Don’t Run, My Love and A Respectable Woman were launched in Aizawl in 2018 and 19 respectively. Dr. Easterine Kire, through her story-telling, showcases the culture and beliefs of her people to the world. By telling the stories of her people, she becomes the memory keeper of her people. Dr. Kire started her talk with gender equality and empowering women through sustainable means for the future. She then gave an inspiring lecture on her journey as a woman writer hailing from the northeast region of India. She mentioned how often her readers have “misinterpreted” her works. She also mentioned how she faced certain bias due to her being a woman and how many editors and publishers tried to make her change parts of writing as they felt it did not “fit in” to the general audience/reader. After her lecture, all the participants crossed their arms over their chests, a pose denoting the “break the bias” pose, and took a group photo.
Apart from the students and faculty of the College, professors and writes from within the State participated in the Webinar with lively discussions and interactions. The Programme ended at 10:27 Am with a vote of thanks from the Head of English Department.
Women become exposed to the possibility of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, child domestic work, poor education and health, sexual abuse, exploitation and violence.