Report of the event:
No of students who took part: 13
No of teachers who took part:1
Theme: Water Conservation
Objectives of the Special Camping programme (i) Making education more relevant to the present situation to meet the felt needs of the communities and supplement the education of university/college/school students by bringing them face to face with the community situation. (ii) To provide opportunities to NSS Volunteers to play their due roles in the implementation of various development “programmes by planning and executing development projects, which not only help in creating durable community assets in rural areas and slums but also result in improvement of the condition of weaker sections of the communities. (iii) Encouraging the students and non-students youth to work along with the adults in rural areas, thereby developing their character, social consciousness and commitment, discipline and healthy and helpful attitudes towards the community: Building up potential youth leaders by exploring the latent potential among the campers, both students as well as local youth (rural and urban), with a view to involve them more intimately in development projects for longer periods. The local leadership generated during the camps would also be useful in ensuring proper maintenance of the assets created as a result of the camps. (iv) Emphasizing the dignity of labour and self-help and the need for combining physical work with intellectual pursuits, and (v) Encouraging youth to participate enthusiastically in the process of national development, and promote national integration through democratic living and cooperative action. Renovation of Spring Water tank, particularly the roof of the tank. Renovation was made of the Water Tank that has been earlier constructed as part of Special Camping Strategy.