Seminar on Indian Economy- 13th- 16th September, 2023- Dept. Of Economics

Date Academic Year Name of the workshop/ Seminar/ Conference
13th – 16th September, 2023 2023-2024 Seminar on Indian Economy


The Report:


DATE: 13th Sept to 16th Sept 2023

PLACE: Economics Core Room


Objectives:  The aim of this seminar was to enlighten students about the Indian economy, the problem faced by our economy, its solutions and role of the Government in improving our economic status.


No of Participants: 27 (Male 10, Female 17)


Report of events: All students of 5th semester economics 2023 were participated in the seminar. Students were divided into four groups respectively. Each groups selected a topic for presentation. The seminar lasted for four days. At the end of the seminar, all participants selected a topic for discussion which was discussed thoroughly on the last day of seminar.

Resource Person with designation: Students of 5th semester economic 2023 batch .


Learning Outcome: 


  1. Students will nowidentify the important economic sectors and challenges faced by them in the recent years.
  2. Students will learn the major policy regimes of government and also try to resolve problems from agriculture, industry and service sector of India.
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