In the interest of internal college quality assurance programme, the undersigned is pleased to notify that the Spoken Language Committee is going to organize an opening function of Spoken English class on 15th February, 2018 at 3 PM in the GJTC Hall (i.e. a combined classroom of 4th Sem. Section A and Education Core classroom). The detailed programme of the function shall be arranged by the English Department i.e. the nodal Department for Spoken English Class.
Under the circumstance, the undersigned is to suspend the last period i.e. 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM for all the other classes on this day so that all the students shall be able to attend the function. Therefore, the attendance in the opening function shall be mandatory for the following students:
1) II Semester Section A & B
2) 4th Semester Elective English Class
3) 6th Semester English Core
Apart from these students above, any willing students may also attend the function. This is for favour of kind information and necessary action to all the concerned students and faculties.
By order of the Principal,
Govt. J. Thankima College.