One Day National Webinar on the Topic ‘Higher Education in India with Special Reference to the New Education Policy 2020’
Report of event:The one-day national webinar on the topic ‘Higher Education in India with Special Reference to the New Education Policy 2020’ was jointly organized by the Research and Consultancy Committee and the Department of Education, Govt. J Thankima College on 12th October, 2021 at 8p.m.
The resource person for this webinar was Dr.Mujibul Hasan Suddiqui, Professor, Dept. of Education, Aligarh Muslim University and the hosting was done by Dr.Diana Zorinsangi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education. Being a national webinar, participants were not only from teaching and non-teaching faculty staffs and students of the college but from students and teachers from other colleges as well. . The webinar was concluded with a vote of thanks from Miss Zairemtluangi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education.
No of participants: 121
Theme: New Education Policy Resource person: Dr Mujibul Hasan Suddiqui Professor, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University
Objectives: The objective is to give equal emphasis on all subjects-science, social sciences, art, languages, sports, mathematics – with integration of vocational and academic streams in school. A new and comprehensive National Curricular Framework for School Education,
Body: The resource person by giving a brief elaboration of the salient features of the New Education Policy 2020 on Higher Education highlighted the fundamental principles of the policy, its vision, how quality universities and colleges could be a new and forward-looking vision for India’s higher education system, institutional restructuring and consolidation and talked about how the policy could lead towards a more holistic and multidisciplinary education, equity and inclusion in higher education, how the policy could promote Indian languages, arts and culture and many more. As the NEP 2020 on higher education is very wide in scope, the resource person had a lot to discuss regarding the upgradation and upliftment of India’s higher education system once the policy comes into implementation. He further discussed the role and importance of the teacher, why their dedication and participation would be required at all cost for the policy’s effective and efficient implementation. At the end of the resource person’s presentation, an ample amount of time was spared for raising questions and clarifying doubts. A lot of questions were raised by the participants and these questions were briefly and vividly answered by the resource person. The webinar turned out very successful since all the participants, although we were familiar with the new NEP 2020 did not have an in-depth knowledge on this policy and the resource person gave a detailed explanation and well-articulated the policy on higher education.
Outcome: 1. NEP 2020 will open up new learning opportunities to the students. Its biggest impact would be the change in the learning environment and the learning process for the students. The new education policy will: Increase focus on the skill improvement and competency development of the students 2. The presenter was approachable in teaching style and was a great facilitator, organized, on time, and made the material very relatable