National Webinar on E-Waste Management and why is it so important to manage it properly?-25th February, 2022

The Report:

No of Participants: 112


National Webinar on E-Waste Management and why is it so important to manage it properly?


1.To help maintain the cleanliness of the place.

  1. To achieve waste reduction
  2. To introduce strategies to make the place into a low waste community.
  3. To revive the simplest way of gathering and collecting garbages and trash.
  4. To minimize garbage nuisance in the environment.
  5. To promote 3R’s.
  6. To lessen pollutants that cause illness to people.


Program Host: Rebecca Khiangte, Green Teacher

Welcome Speech: Prof. JV Nunchunga, Principal, GJTC

Resource Person: Mr. Benjamin Lalmuanpuia, Collection Centre Executive, Karo Sambhav Private Limited.

Discussion: From Participants

Vote of Thanks: Lallawmawmi Ralte, Green Leader, GJTC.

Organized by Karo Sambhav Private Limited, Gurugram, Haryana, IQAC & Eco-Club, GJTC.

  • In collaboration with Karo Sambhav Private Limited, Gurugram, Haryana, IQAC & Eco Club, Government J. Thankima College, National Webinar on E-Waste Management and Why Is It So Important to Manage It Properly is organized on 25th February, 2022 via Zoom Live. Mr. Benjamin Lalmuanpuia, Collection Center Executive, Karo Sambhav Private Limited, Thuampui was invited as the resource person. Eco club members and teachers from various department participated in this programme.


The students and teachers are insightfully informed on the topic which should have a meaningful effect on the society.









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