Report of event: On the 31stjuly 2021, Movers program cum students Exchange Program was organized by Entrepreneurship Centre , Government Johnson College and Government J.Thankima College. Department of Economics. The program was started at 8pm through Zoom platform. Welcome speech and introductory note was given by Ms Lalmalsawmi Renthlei Assistant Professor . Govt Johnson college. The program ended with a vote of thanks by Mr Lalhmingthanga .Govt Johnsom College. No of participant: 22 ( From GovtJ.Thankima College)
Theme: Sustainable development Goals Resource Person: 1. LalruatdikiHmar , Movers Facilitator 2. Lalenkawli, Movers Facilitator 3. Lalbialzula , Movers Facilitator
Objectives: 1. To provide fun, interactive and hands on opportunities to enhance learning. 2. To cater for different learning styles and learning needs for the students 3. To learn a perceptive approach to information gathering and communication
Outcome: 1. The workshop focuses on deepening the localization process of sustainable goals. 2. The workshop strengthens the means of implications and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development 3. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and work for all. 4. The workshop inspired students to take urgent action to combat climate change and aware of its impact. Three resource person Lalruatdiki Hmar, H. Lalenkawli and Lalbiakzuala conducted interactive session using break out rooms where in the students could participate freely without the presence of the teachers. Sharing ideas and discussions of the topic benefit the students to a great extent. The program was fruitful , a lot of energy and enthusiasm . Practical and rational.