Department of English and Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) Govt. J. Thankima College has organized Observance of International Women’s Day Celebration at the Central Campus, Brigade Area on 8th March 2021 under the theme of ‘Women in Leadership : Achieving an Equal Future in a Covid-World.’
Observation of International Women’s Day was observed in collaboration with Equal Opportunity Cell, GJTC with a theme “Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a Covid World” on 8th March, 2021 at the College. About 100 Students from 2nd Semester participated in the Event.
Students were made aware and to acknowledge Women’s Rights and Gender equality, parity, and call to action for accelerating Women’s equality. It was also highlighted that as recorded by the United Nations, only three countries in the world have 50% or more women in parliament. Women are heads of State in only 22 Nations, and that globally, 119 countries have never had a woman leader as a Head of State.
Maria Lalremruati faculty and Chairman of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) was the Resource Person. As theme for International Women’s Day, 2021, “Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a Covid World”, focus was made on how women can be equal partners in decision making processes, especially those regarding policymaking. This year, the need of the hour is to bring to light the efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the Covid- 19 Pandemic, and highlight the gaps that remain.