GJTC 17th July 2021 : Bonsai Installation at Govt.J.Thankima College

Bonsai Installation at Govt.J.Thankima College by Felis Bonsai on 16th July 2021, Organized by Reception and Beautification Committee, Government J Thankima College.

Objective :
1) To make students aware of Bonsai plant.
2) To beautify the college campus.

The owner of Felis Bonsai, Tea Hau Chhûm, donated his Bonsai and Bonsai plate stand to the GJTC campus and also gave instructions on how to plant it, elaborating on the ways to maintaining it.
The Principal of Govt. J. Thankima College gave a short speech comparing the path of students to the growth of a Bonsai plant whereby he mentioned that in one often has to cut some parts of our lives in order to succeed in the same manner that branches of a Bonsai plant often have to be cut off to bring forth it’s beauty and balance. The Principal further mentioned that both teachers and students of GJTC have a lot to learn from this Bonsai plant especially with regards to intellectual growth.
The Principal offered his gratitude to Tea Hau Chhûm, who gave his precious time and beautiful Bonsai to the college, and to the Reception and Beautification Committee.
The video coverage of the Bonsai installation was shown on Zonet Cable TV, Zawlbuk Channel as ‘Felis Bonsai Programme’ on 14th August, 2021 at 8PM . It can also be viewed on YouTube Felis Bonsai channel.

The Reception and Beautification Committee, Government J. Thankima College, offer their sincere thanks to Felis Bonsai, Tea Hau Chhûm and to the Principal, GJTC.


GJTC 17th July 2012 : Bonsai Installation at Govt.J.Thankima College

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