Education Department students visit Gilead Special School

The Department of Education conducted a field visit to Gilead Special School as part of a practical learning to supplement classroom teaching. The visit was conducted by the 6th Semester Education Core class and escorted by the following teachers.

1. Zairemtluangi, HOD
2. Lalhmangaihzuali
3. C. Lalremmawii

Zairemtluangi, HOD, and Coordinator of the programme express her gratitude to the authority of the Gilead Special School for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to them. Boxes of chocolate were distributed to the students with special abilities enrolled in the School.

The programme was conducted to supplement theoretical learning of ‘special education‘ for students with special abilities in Paper XII for the 6th Semester Education Core Class. The participants of the field visit benefitted much by observing the methods, style used and techniques of teaching as well as through the interaction with the teachers of the School.

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