Organised by : Department of Political Science, Govt. J. Thankima College
Topic : “ Gandhi as a Social Reformer”
Time : 2nd October, 2021 (8:00pm)
Resource person: Miss Janet Sangkungi Pachuau, Dept. of History
Host: Lalrinngheta, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Political Science.
The webinar was conducted online by means of Zoom. It was attended by 5th Semester and 3rd semester Political Science students. Faculties from other departments had also attended the webinar. A very interesting presentation was delivered by the resource person and all the audience had gained a new knowledge and insight on the role of Gandhi as a social reformer in India. She also highlighted important points as under:
- Gandhi’s contribution for the welfare of backward class or untouchable
- His fight against social evils
- Gandhi’s role for the upliftment of women, fight against purdah system, child marriage, female infanticide and widow remarriage.
- Communal harmony
The webinar was concluded with vote of thanks from Lalbuatsaiha, Ast. Professor, Dept. of Political Science.