State Level Webinar On Building A Meanigful Life Without Drugs Organized by Anti-Drug Club, 5th November, 2021

State Level Webinar On Building  A Meanigful Life Without Drugs Organized by Anti-Drug Club, 5th November, 2021 State Level Webinar On Building  A Meanigful Life Without Drugs Organized by Anti-Drug Club, 5th November, 2021 1

The Anti- Drug Club, English Department and History Department  Govt. J. Thankima College jointly organized a State Level Webinar on Building  A Meaningful Life Without Drugs on 5th November, 2021 at 8:00 PM.

The Programme was organized bearing in mind the present situation of the College students age who are most vulnerable to drugs. Therefore, The Anti Drug Club in  Collaboration with the English Department and History Department  felt the importance of taking up the task to organized a webinar on awareness about the minacious  implication of Drugs and its addiction for all  students of Govt.J.Thankima College. The need to impart an awareness campaign and to manifest the path of  solace  from addiction is one of the objective of the Webinar.

Mr. Lalmuanzuala, Coordinator MYC South Mizoram Zoneand  is the Resource Person  and presented a very distinctive and compulsive topic on Building a Meaningful Life Without Drugs. He deliver a theoretical, historical and Psychological approaches on the various stages of addiction and how people started taking drugs and how they become addicted.  Many students interacted and raised important questions on various issue related to Drugs and its addiction. The programme was significant, resourceful and beneficial for all the participants.

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