Special Invited Lecture on Globalisation of Education : GJTC 1st Feb, 2019

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On 1st Feb, 2019, Dept. of Education, Govt. J. Thankima College has sucessfully organized a Special Invited Lecture on Globalization of Education at College Conference Hall, Central Campus. Mr. Lalrammawia Tochhawng, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education, Mizoram University was the Resource Person. The Resouce Person gave a lecture on the topics of concept, aims & objectives, importance & relevance of Global Education. 44 students from 6th Sem Edu Core were attended the lecture programme. Mrs. Zairemtluangi, Asso. Prof. delivered vote of thanks and the programme was ended at 12:30 p.m.


1. Importance and relevance of global education
2. To develop skills, attitudes and values
3. To improve Global human development based on the understanding of global education.
1. Student’s feedback ensure that global learning helps students develop their capacity to reach out more information on global education. 2. A lot of energy, a lot of enthusiasm, Practical and rational, Awesome presentation


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