CCC Study Centre under NEILIT inaugurated

Mentor of Government J. Thankima College, Prof. Lalhmasai Chuaungo, Mizoram University inaugurated the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NEILIT) Study Centre at 01:00 PM today. NEILIT and the College has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for opening a Concept of Computer Course (CCC) class at the Central Campus from the academic session 2018-19.

The Study Centre is funded under Rashtriya Uchchatar Siksha Abhiyan (RUSA) scheme and is equiped with 27 desktop computers with internet connections along with other facilities. Students of the 5th and 6th Semester classes shall avail the CCC class and shall appear for CCC examination conducted by NEILIT.

Speaking at the occasion, Prof. Lalhmasai said, it has been observed that the lack of appropriate computer skills among the Mizo youth has relegated their resourcefulness immensely. Even though they use internet to play online games and to socialisewith their peers, they have not been able to utilised the modern technology to acquire online study materials or to fill up online forms and other requisite documents while applying for jobs or seeking admissions to learning institutions. Hence, a trust in information and communication technology to possess reliable skill is of crucial necessity today.

The Course Coordinator of NIELIT., NC Sundari gave a technical report and expressed her satisfaction by saying, “Though youngest, in terms of opening a CCC class, it has one of the best facilities in comparision with other institutions offering course(s) under NEILIT.”

At the inaugural function chaired by Dr. C. Lalremruata, Principal of Govt. J. Thankima College, the Coordinator of IQAC., Zoramthanga delivered a welcome address and Dr. JV Nunchunga, Institutional Coordinator of RUSA proposed a vote of thanks. The function was attended by students of BBA and the 5th Semester Classes.

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